Possible Reasons Why That Fiberscope Stopped Working

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Possible Reasons Why That Fiberscope Stopped Working

Possible Reasons Why That Fiberscope Stopped Working

25 May 2017
, Blog

Fiberscopes offer great flexibility -- no pun intended -- when inspecting tight, hidden places for problems like pests and damage. But if the scope has stopped working, you know you need to get that fixed quickly, and you may be worried about what the repair will entail. The potential reasons are a mixed bag, with one being very simple to fix and the others being more difficult. Here's a look at some potential issues.


It is possible that the scope has become corroded on the inside, and the resulting corrosion could have made the scope stiffer, so it is less able to bend or send back a picture that makes sense. If you notice that there is a point after which the scope won't bend properly, that could be the area where the corrosion is. The scope should be enveloped in a sheath that protects it from dirt and moisture, but this sheath, like any protective covering, can crack a bit. Moisture could have gotten inside and wrecked the scope, making it immobile instead of extending and bending.

Too Much Bending

It's also possible that you forced the fiberscope around a bend that was too tight, leading to the fiberscope breaking down. If the insulation has cracked and is interfering with the wiring inside, that could make the scope appear to be immobile. If the lens scraped against a surface when you were trying to force it around a bend, you might see only a distorted picture.

Debris on Lens

There could also be dirt on the lens; clean the fiberscope before anything else. If the fiberscope usually sits in areas that are less than sanitary, be sure you do clean the fiberscope before putting it away after each use. Remember that dirt and dust can build up, so every once in a while, the fiberscope needs to undergo a deep clean that is more intense than normal.

External Problems

It could also be that the fiberscope itself is fine, but the computer you're using to view wherever the lens is, is not working correctly. Connection and software problems are easier to fix because you can try using the scope with a separate computer. If you have no problems with the scope after moving it, then you know the first computer was to blame.

A quick inspection by an industrial fiberscope repair tech should be enough to diagnose most problems. Repairs should generally be reasonable and not take that long; if the fiberscope is too far gone, you can always get another.

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Talking About Metal and Ceramic Fabrication

Hello, my name is Michele Robinson. I am here to teach you all about ceramic and metal fabrication techniques. Both of these materials are used extensively in the industrial field. These substances make excellent materials for automotive, medical and tool applications. I would like to discuss the material properties that make ceramic and metal a good choice for specific products. I will also share information about production methods used to create items out of each material type. I hope you will visit my site often to learn more about fabrication techniques used throughout the world. Thank you for visiting my site.